The age old question – Do I pay off the mortgage or contribute to Super?

With ongoing interest rate cuts over the last three years, and proposed changes to the Superannuation laws, it can be difficult to know whether your savings should be put towards paying off your mortgage or building your Super balance. Read on to find out more and calculate your options with the ASIC Super v s Mortgage Calculator.

2016 Federal Budget

The 2016 Budget was mooted to be a benign budget with some changes to superannuation and heavy increases for smokers being the key points to be aware of.  As the budget was released, the actual reality was in stark contrast to pre-budget anticipation.  The major changes that have been implemented are in relation to superannuation and these changes will have an impact on our clients’ plans that are in place and also those plans that are being implemented into the future.

Australia: Are we living beyond our means?

Australian household debt has tripled over the last 25 years, growing at an annual rate of 10.3%. Household debt now equates to over $2 trillion.

While Australians may now be more comfortable living with higher levels of debt, there needs to be a balance with preparing for the unexpected and planning to be able to live the lifestyle of your choice in retirement.